About me
Hartmut is a member of the faculty at the CS department at Louisiana State University (LSU) and a senior research scientist at LSU's Center for Computation and Technology (CCT). He received his doctorate from the Technical University of Chemnitz (Germany) in 1988. He is probably best known through his involvement in open source software projects, mainly as the author of several C++ libraries he has contributed to Boost, which are in use by thousands of developers worldwide. His current research is focused on leading the STE||AR group at CCT working on the practical design and implementation of future execution models and programming methods. His research interests are focused on the complex interaction of compiler technologies, runtime systems, active libraries, and modern system's architectures. His goal is to enable the creation of a new generation of scientific applications in powerful, though complex environments, such as high performance computing, distributed and grid computing, spatial information systems, and compiler technologies.