May 5-8, 2025
Chicago, IL
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Thursday May 8, 2025 4:20pm - 4:50pm CDT
The WEAVE team at LLNL has created a Spack-based virtual environment (accessible to Livermore Computing community) that has a rich set of open-source tools to create a workflow for any HPC applications, commonly used Python packages and several commonly used ML and AI packages.
The goal is to provide a stable, well tested environment that users can activate and use directly across Livermore Computing's vast array of machines/OSes and networks.
We also provide the capability for users to create a local environment based on the WEAVE environment.

Using Spack allows us to install the same set of software across different platforms in LC. It also allows us to use the same Spack environment file to recreate the exact same ecosystem across networks within the Lab.
We leverage GitLab CI for our DevOps platform to automate Spack install, creating test environment, running tests and deploying the environment.
We also leverage LLNL Nexus Repository to sync our build files across networks within the lab.

WEAVE team also has implemented the "WEAVE Badging Program" where the community can submit a request to have a tool to be integrated into the WEAVE environment.
avatar for Lina Muryanto

Lina Muryanto

Software Engineer, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC
Lina joined LLNL in 2018 as a DevOps engineer for the ESGF Project. In 2021, Lina joined the SD program and joined the WEAVE team in 2022. She has implemented CI/CD from scratch. Lina is passionate about achieving high software quality and reliability through software test development... Read More →
Thursday May 8, 2025 4:20pm - 4:50pm CDT
Salon E-G

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