May 5-8, 2025
Chicago, IL
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Thursday May 8, 2025 9:40am - 10:00am CDT
The PDI data interface is a library that supports loose coupling of simulation codes with data handling libraries: the simulation code is annotated in a library-agnostic way, and data management through external libraries is described in a YAML "data handling specification tree". Access to each data handling tool or library (HDF5, NetCDF, Python, compiled functions, Dask/Deisa, libjson, MPI, etc.) is provided through a dedicated plugin. Testing, packaging and distributing PDI is a complex problem as each plugin comes with its own dependencies, some of wich are typically not provided by supercomputer administrators. In the last five years, we have managed to devise solutions to test & validate, package & distribute the library and its plugins, largely based on spack.

In this talk, we will describe PDI, the specific problems we encounter and how we tackled them with a mix of cmake, spack, and containers. We specifically focus on the creation of a large family of spack-based container images used as test environment of the library, and on the efforts deployed to ensure easy installation on the wide range of supercomputers our downstream application rely on.
avatar for Julien Bigot

Julien Bigot

Permanent Research Scientist, CEA
Julien is a permanent computer scientist at Maison de la Simulation at CEA. He leads the Science of Computing team. His research focuses on programming models for high-performance computing. He is especially interested in the question of separation of concerns between the simulated... Read More →
Thursday May 8, 2025 9:40am - 10:00am CDT
Salon E-G

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