May 5-8, 2025
Chicago, IL
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Thursday May 8, 2025 9:00am - 9:20am CDT
In this talk, I will present about how we use Spack at Google both with customers and internally. This portion will include an overview of our public cache, along with our use of Spack for benchmarking.

Additionally, this talk will discuss some open-sourced tooling we have developed, Ramble, which was built on top of Spack's infrastructure. This talk will discuss how we use Ramble and Spack together to construct complex end-to-end performance benchmarking studies for HPC and AI applications, and how this process can use these tools to create reproducible experiments that are shareable with external users.

Doug Jacobsen

HPC Software Engineer, Google Cloud
Thursday May 8, 2025 9:00am - 9:20am CDT
Salon E-G

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