May 5-8, 2025
Chicago, IL
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Wednesday May 7, 2025 3:40pm - 3:50pm CDT
As the demand for efficient DevOps infrastructure for software applications continues to grow, key components such as build processes, build time tests, regression testing, and deployment mechanisms have become critical to successful project delivery. Spack is increasingly being adopted as an orchestration architecture for DevOps, offering a framework that can adapt to various project needs. However, while the overarching patterns among projects may be similar, the specific implementation details can differ significantly, leading to challenges in achieving seamless integration. In this talk, we will present the gaps identified by researchers at Sandia National Laboratories in Spack's current services and our ongoing efforts to address these challenges.Key topics will include advancements in binary caches, binary provenance, reporting test results, enhancing build performance, and improving the overall developer user experience. Attendees will gain valuable insights into successful initiatives that have effectively closed certain gaps, as well as ongoing issues that remain open for the community to tackle.
avatar for Phil Sakievich

Phil Sakievich

Senior Computer Scientist R&D, Sandia National Laboratories
Phil comes from a high-performance computing and fluid mechanics background. He became involved with Spack during the ExaScale computing project and author of the Spack-Manager project. Phil is an active member of the Spack technical steering committee and currently leads several... Read More →
Wednesday May 7, 2025 3:40pm - 3:50pm CDT
Salon E-G

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