May 5-8, 2025
Chicago, IL
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Wednesday May 7, 2025 2:55pm - 3:15pm CDT
As High-Performance Computing (HPC) transitions from petascale to exascale, we have observed significant changes and new challenges in HPC software management. This presentation details the choices made for building and deploying HPC applications and tooling on the HPE Cray EX Adastra machine at the French National Computer Science Center for Higher Education (CINES). We present the GAIA project, a home-grown solution on top of Spack, allowing us to deploy software stacks for each of our partitions. We expose our requirements, the trade-offs we faced, the choices we made, and the strategy employed to address them. We explain how our users can leverage the Spack configuration provided by CINES to build their own software and the limitations of the approach. We finally take a look at the general applicability and open-sourcing to our site's user base.
avatar for Etienne Malaboeuf

Etienne Malaboeuf

I focus on improving the performance of projects related to real-time and high-performance computing, while providing various forms of support to researchers using French supercomputers. I have worked on numerical simulation software in an HPC context, on supercomputers and on game... Read More →
Wednesday May 7, 2025 2:55pm - 3:15pm CDT
Salon E-G

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