May 5-8, 2025
Chicago, IL
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Wednesday May 7, 2025 2:55pm - 3:15pm CDT
The Trilinos project is one of many in the scientific software community that employs the concept of Continuous Integration and thusly has a testing process that ensures code functionality and quality as part of its contribution process. This talk is aimed at software developers and researchers interested in enhancing their understanding of Trilinos’ CI practices. We will examine the current processes that contributors must navigate, alongside emerging paradigms shaping the evolution of these practices. Key topics will include the implementation of containerized software testing environments, requirements for running tests on Trilinos compute resources, and objective standards that contributions must meet to guarantee software quality. Attendees will also gain insights into the challenges of providing a highly configurable set of software packages while maintaining user-friendly build processes. By the end of the session, participants will have a clearer understanding of how to effectively contribute to Trilinos, and the direction that DevSecOps efforts in Trilinos are heading in the future.

Samuel E. Browne

Principal R&D Computer Scientist, Sandia National Laboratories
Wednesday May 7, 2025 2:55pm - 3:15pm CDT
Mississippi River 1 & 2

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