May 5-8, 2025
Chicago, IL
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Wednesday May 7, 2025 2:35pm - 2:55pm CDT
In this presentation, we introduce the discretization and analysis tools available in the Trilinos software suite. Using real-world scientific applications as exemplars, we briefly explain how to efficiently implement portable high-order finite element discretizations on unstructured grids for a wide variety of problems, including leveraging time integration schemes for transient problems. Additionally, we describe how to utilize the automatic differentiation and adjoint capabilities for solving nonlinear problems and computing sensitivities. Finally, we present the simulation-constrained optimization capabilities available through the ROL package, highlighting how different Trilinos tools work together to efficiently solve large-scale inference problems.

Mauro Perego

Computational Scientist R&D, Sandia National Laboratories
Wednesday May 7, 2025 2:35pm - 2:55pm CDT
Mississippi River 1 & 2

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