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The Trilinos core area includes packages that form the basic building blocks for Trilinos capabilities. This talk will briefly introduce each package and demonstrate how these can be pulled together into an application. We will cover the following packages. The Kokkos performance portability library provides data structures and parallel algorithms that are performant on both CPU and GPU architectures. The Kokkos-Kernels library provides performance portable BLAS and LAPACK routines. The Tpetra library provides MPI-based parallel distributed linear algebra data structures built on Kokkos. The Teuchos library provides utilities for a common look and feel across Trilinos packages, including a reference counted smart pointer, print utilities, timers and a parameter list for user input. The Zoltan library provides parallel distributed load balancing tools. The PyTrilinos package provides python wrappers for Trilinos capabilities. The Thyra package provides abstraction layers for writing linear algebra, linear solvers and nonlinear solvers. The talk will conclude with examples of Trilinos capabilities integrated into the Empire electromagnetic particle-in-cell code.