May 5-8, 2025
Chicago, IL
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Thursday May 8, 2025 10:00am - 10:20am CDT
This talk will present a setup using Charliecloud to spawn virtual HTCondor compute nodes inside of jobs submitted to a SLURM cluster. The actual containers are distributed via CernVM-FS and mounted unprivilegedly at the HPC site using cvmfsexec. The spawned HTCondor nodes integrate into a larger overlay batch system to run High-Throughput compute jobs from the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid community.

Charliecloud allows to make this setup very portable with its lightweight design, minimal system dependencies and simplicity of use. CernVM-FS which is optimized for distribution of large numbers of small files of which only few might be accessed proves an ideal fit for distribution of directory-format container images. In combination with HTCondor which focuses on optimizing the total throughput and easily handles large numbers of jobs, compute resources can be used opportunistically by integrating them fully unprivilegedly into an overlay batch system. The workloads themselves can again use unprivileged containers to enable the use of user-defined software stacks.

Oliver Freyermuth

Research Scientist for IT Operations and High Throughput Computing, University of Bonn (Germany)
Thursday May 8, 2025 10:00am - 10:20am CDT
Illinois River

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